50 civil society organizations and members of the ALERTE-Foncier platform took part in the capacity building workshop on « the fundamentals of lobbying and advocacy », organized by that platform for its members. The workshop was held from May 7 to 9, 2019 in Abidjan, Cocody.
The overall objective of the workshop was to enable ALERT-Foncier members to take full ownership of land security issues in order to be more active and proactive individually and collectively in advocating at the local and national levels. This will enable them to be in the best position to contribute to the development, adoption and implementation of a fair and equitable land policy.
Thus for 3 days, the participants reviewed the concepts of advocacy and lobbying as well as the advocacy cycle with practical exercises on each stage of the cycle. At the end of the training, the participants took ownership of the concepts of lobbying and advocacy. They are now able to lead the process for defining the issue, building the case, identifying and analyzing targets, developing messages and choosing communication channels, developing policy notes and press releases, conducting advocacy meetings, mobilizing supporters and building alliances, etc. And they are equipped to design and conduct an advocacy campaign on rural land governance issues.
The participants expressed their satisfaction with the training and congratulated Alerte-Foncier and Inades-Formation for this initiative, which they would like to see renewed.
The workshop took place within the framework of the project « ALERT- Foncier: for an inclusive and sustainable governance of rural land in Côte d’Ivoire » led by Inades-Formation in partnership with Audace Institut and funded by the European Union and CCFD-Terre Solidaire.