The concept “ECAGRI (Collective Agricultural Entrepreneurship)” is a concept initiated by INADES-FORMATION. It includes the development of all organizational dynamics of small farmers to contribute to food security, improving the level of income and services.
More explicitly, the ECAGRI is the fact that a group of farmers to agree to create or production companies, processing and / or marketing of agricultural products; these companies developing service centers for their members to more flexible conditions.
The ECAGRI allows small farmers to:
– organize to better produce without destroying the environment;
– collectively organize the management of production;
– produce or access the necessary quantities of quality seeds;
– easy access to land, agricultural inputs, production techniques and agricultural information;
– organize collective marketing to generate income in addition to food security for the promoters and their families;
– promote conservation activities and productions transformation to improve their added value;
– develop and share knowledge and expertise and
chat with other players.