Launch of Self SIM in Burundi
Towards the development of a new service by agricultural cooperatives to benefit local communities
As part of the development of agricultural collective Entrepreneurship (ECAGRI) Inades-Formation Burundi accompanies producer cooperatives in coffee chains, tea, rice, corn, beans, cassava, banana and honey to develop services to benefit their members and local communities.
As an illustration, the MBONERAMIRYANGO cooperative Giheta in Gitega province, develops for the benefit of local communities coffee pulping, transport and storage of agricultural products. And processing of cassava into flour.
- Visit cassava mill in Gitega
- Visit cassava mill in Gitega
This is also the case of cooperative INYISHUKUBARIMYI Maramvya in Bujumbura, which offers its members access services to seeds and inputs, agricultural storage and husking rice.
- Cooperative INYISHUK UBARIMYI Maramvya
- Preparation of rice dehulled
In addition to these services, Inades-Formation Burundi, with the support of the General Secretariat has just completed from 06 to 07 July 2016 the launch of the Information System on the market self-managed by the stakeholders (Self SIM) on commodities (rice, maize, beans, bananas, cassava and honey) in the provinces of Gitega and Bujumbura in collaboration with cooperatives of the targeted provinces.
- SIM launch workshop in Giheta
- SIM launch workshop Maramvya
This new SIM will be raised by stakeholders stakeholders including agricultural cooperatives. Indeed, 30 cooperatives and unions are targeted as well as traders / buyers of the 22 relevant markets which will be taken into account in the SIM. Cooperatives are empowered in the management of markets, market collectors will of cooperative members and each collector will be supported by his cooperative.
- SIM launch workshop Maramvya
- SIM launch workshop in Gitega
During the accompaniment phase, Inades-Formation Burundi will manage the SIM CPU (electronic platform for information dissemination). And in the accompanying processes, stakeholders will be sensitized to the constitution of a SIM support base that will support the operation of the CPU. The feasibility and modalities of implementation and management of this fund were analyzed during the workshop activities.
The SIM, in addition to disseminating information on the prices of targeted products, will also play the role of an agricultural exchange. Indeed, it will:
Members of agricultural cooperatives, traders and local communities to have continuous access to price products targeted markets across the country including Bujumbura market, allowing small producers to fully appreciate the price they are offered by buyers and to sell their products at the best price. Merchants can also conduct business transactions between different localities on the basis of information provided on prices;
Agricultural cooperatives to post the available quantities of agricultural products in stock on the SIM to attract traders;
Merchants to post their agricultural needs on the SIM, which will provide opportunities for agricultural cooperatives to sell their productions.
With the development of self-directed SIM in Burundi, agricultural cooperatives will increase the services available to local communities.