Rural women in the Nun organized into poultry cooperatives, if necessary, make up traditional chickens in the Region and improve their incomes
The project
- 1,500 female direct beneficiaries
- 12,000 indirect beneficiaries consisting of:
- Manufacturers and vendors of equipment and inputs,
- The actors in the marketing channel (collectors, wholesalers, retailers, restaurateurs, etc.)
- Artisans and millers
- The municipalities which levy taxes on the sale of chickens and eggs
- The overall population of the project’s settlement villages
Project Implementation Area
The project takes place in Noun department located in the western region of Cameroon
Strategies / main activities
The design of a collective enterprise model of hens farming economically profitable for women.
Validation and organization of women around this model: they will be organized in 5 cooperatives (one cooperative per district). Each cooperative will consist of 5 to 8 groups of about 20 women.
The training of members of these cooperatives on: improved techniques of livestock husbandry and use of organic matter for the fertilization of fields and on the management of cooperatives and activities.
The follow-up and accompaniment of these groups in carrying out their activity;
Assessment of the steps taken and quantified results;
The suggestion of the arrangements for a possible renewal.
Project duration:
2014 – 2016 (3 years)
Financial partner