Inades-Formation Burkina organized on October 28th, 2016 a workshop of consultation of the actors of the sesame sector. Objective: « To lay the foundations for an improved production and marketing of sesame through the promotion of a partnership between the different actors ». This meeting which took place in the conference room of the pensioners’ house Antoine Nanga brought together some thirty participants.
Speaking at the end of the workshop, Mrs Pascaline Tamboura / Kiémdé, in charge of the Support to Agricultural Chains Program at Inades-Formation Burkina, said « The exchanges during the workshop were fruitful. This gave participants an opportunity to be better informed about the functioning of the sesame sector and to make proposals for a better marketing of this agricultural product. Overall, we can say that we are satisfied with the results of this workshop « .
The participants in the consultation workshop of the actors in the sesame sector were composed of actors in the production, marketing, export, processing of sesame, as well as representatives of support structures such as JICA , The Reinforced Integrated Framework (CIR) of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Handicrafts. The General Directorate for the Promotion of the Rural Economy (DGPER) was also part of the party.
Mr. Francis Naré, President of the Central Eastern Sesame Farmers’ Union, one of the workshop participants said: « I congratulate Inades-Formation Burkina for having the initiative to organize this workshop, the results of which Should contribute to the development of the sesame sector « .
The Secretary General of the Regional Union of Sesame Producers of the Boucle du Mouhoun, Mr. Justin Dakuo added: « The sharing of experiences during this workshop will help to improve the way of doing things in certain unions ».
The workshop was held within the framework of the implementation by Inades-Formation Burkina of the project called « Strengthening the Information and Support System (SIAM) on the sesame market in six regions of Burkina ». Funding for this project is provided by the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF). Jules Guigemdé, the representative of the CIR at the workshop, said: « I welcome the initiative of this consultation which closes the process of setting up the information and support system in the sesame market. We hope that at the end of this workshop the actors at the level of each link of the sesame chain can concretize the partnership that they wish to establish with other actors of the field « .
The Boucle du Mouhoun, the Southwest, the Center West, the Center East, the North and the East, are the regions concerned by the project.
The workshop was mainly attended by a speech by Mr Samuel Somda, Acting Director of the Inades-Formation Burkina Faso National Office, a communication on the problem of the marketing of sesame in Burkina Faso, Group, followed by refunds.
For Samuel Somda, « in terms of the sector, as it is several links, it was important to ensure that the different categories of actors could meet to exchange ».