Inades-Formation initiates a pan-African program to promote the provision of sovereignty for a sufficient, healthy and sustainable food supply for the populations of African countries south of the Sahara. To launch the program, which will take place over three years starting in 2017, in 8 countries of the network, a launch workshop was organized from 23 to 27 January 2017 in Abidjan.
- View of participants
Define the strategies and the bases of the piloting for a success of the program
From 23 to 27 January 2017, Inades-Formation organized the workshop in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, to launch its program to promote food for sovereignty for a sufficient, healthy and sustainable food supply for the populations of African countries south of the Ivory Coast. Sahara says program of valorization of living sovereignty.
This workshop brought together the secretariat general, the various directors and project managers of the eight national offices concerned by the program, namely Inades-Formation Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Rwanda, Togo and Chad Of Inades-Formation Kenya and Inades-Formation Tanzania.
- View of participants
The objective of the workshop was to contribute to collective ownership and implementation of guidelines and strategies for achieving program objectives and results.
Thus, in order to be impregnated, the participants revisited the various objectives, expected results, indicators and activities of the program. Each of the eight national offices involved in the program then presented the program in its country through country indicators and activities. It was an opportunity to review the reasons for the choice of each sovereignty by the national offices. Inadequate and Inadequate Training Managers in Kenya and Inades-Training Tanzania, who are already developing projects on sovereignty, have shared their experiences and strategies. Participants then discussed how best to make this program a success. The exchanges particularly focused on the steering committee, communication, monitoring and evaluation of the program.
- Kenya Experience Sharing
- The objective of the sovereignty
The sovereignty valorization program is a program that concretizes the commitment of Inades-Formation for food sovereignty and food systems based on family farming. Its general objective is to contribute to the promotion of food systems based on family farming in African countries south of the Sahara for a life worthy of all. In concrete terms, the program will promote the production, processing and consumption of 4 foods of sovereignty and local chicken.
The program also aims to promote agro-ecological transition, peasant seed entrepreneurship and financial solidarity in the service of agricultural entrepreneurship.
- The General Secretary Speech
What is called food of sovereignty?
Agricultural and livestock products historically predominant in the dietary habits of the populations of a given region, in trade, in cultural and agro-pastoral practices are classified as food of sovereignty. They are known for their resistance to climate change, their nutritional quality and their roots in socio-economic relations within communities. Unfortunately, they are threatened with disappearance for various reasons, the main one being the lack of political interest in them.
- A participant Intervention (From Tchad, The MD)
The sovereignty foods retained by the program
The sovereignty foods selected by the program are beans / cowpeas, sorghum, fonio, millet and local chicken.
The sovereignty valorization program is supported by the partner Misereor and will take place over a period of 3 years.
- Distribution of food by country