After a long process that began in 2010 with the feasibility study carried out by Inades-Formation / Burkina, the people of the Bouro area launched their solidarity and development fund (Fonsdev) on 27 April 2013.
The launch ceremony recorded a donation from the sponsor, Mr Adama Kindo, in the amount of 300,000 FCFA. In turn, the guests, staff of Inades-Formation, the inhabitants of the zone have let their heart speak by subscribing for an amount of 400 000 FCFA. The launch of the Fonsdev de Bouro is the sixth of the kind that Inades-Formation / Burkina has accompanied the farmers to set up. It intervenes after those of the fonsdev of Passakongo, Soukuy, Firguindi, Toroba, Koumana started from 2003. The fonsdev constitute an alternative to the difficulties of access to the financing of the rural world.
We wish good wind at the Fonsdev de Bouro
Inades-Formation Burkina Faso