Support project to improve incomes for cocoa producers in the Agneby-Tiassa region
For nearly ten (10) years, Inades Formation Côte d’Ivoire has been involved in helping cocoa producers to improve their income through access to the organic market. These producers are therefore accompanied to the production of organic cocoa without chemicals.
This initiative, launched with the Equal Cooperative of Bandama in the region of Agnéby-Tiassa, has given satisfactory results in terms of improving the incomes and the living conditions of the beneficiaries.
Today, other Organizations of Agricultural Producers are interested in this system of production of organic cocoa and prospects of diversification of the customers exist.
The direct beneficiaries are Organizations of Agricultural Producers (OPA) of cocoa from the region of Agnéby-Tiassa interested in the production of organic cocoa. They are the Equitable Cooperative Society of Bandama, the Cooperative of the Cocoa Producers of Taabo and the Agricultural Cooperative N’Zaraman of N’Douci.
The strategy is based on capitalizing on the accompanying experience of the SCEB (Société Coopérative Equitable du Bandama) with a view to extending the principles of organic certification to new cooperatives in a spirit of continuous improvement of the interventions. It will be a question of being able to respond effectively to the needs of the market through the improvement of the production, post-harvest and organizational practices of agricultural farmer organizations.