Diagnostic session in the village of Bolomakote on May 9, 2013
Initiated in September 2012 by the municipal council, the process of elaboration of the land charter of the commune of Bondoukuy, Mouhoun province continues with the support of Inades-Formation Burkina.
Land tenure charters empower local people in the management of land and natural resources. These populations can thus develop new rules for the collective and sustainable management of natural resources in order to preserve the environment, increase agro-sylvo-pastoral productivity by promoting good practices and reduce conflicts related to the use of natural resources. Therefore, these rules must be developed in a participatory way through the involvement of all the local socio-occupational categories concerned by the use and management of the targeted resources.
The Bondoukuy Land Charter deals with common natural resources shared by the community (agricultural, pastoral, forestry, wildlife, hydraulic, fishery resources, etc.) and is developed in three (3) phases.
The first phase, which is the preparatory phase, consisted in informing the population about a large degree of support for this communal initiative, training the actors involved, setting up village land commissions and establishing a diagnosis of current resource management Natural resources in the thirty-two (32) villages of the commune. This phase ended with a workshop to present and validate the results of the diagnosis. The main causes of the degradation of identified natural resources are animal wandering, uncontrolled riverbanks, destruction of vegetation cover and misuse of non-wood forest products (harvesting of immature fruits). Regulatory and technical solutions were proposed during the diagnosis in order to act on these causes. It was these solutions that made it possible to begin the second phase of the process of drafting the land charter, namely that of its drafting.
Indeed, a first work of synthesis, regroupment and reformulation of regulatory solutions was carried out by Inades-Formation Burkina on the basis of the results of the diagnosis. A workshop to present and amend the product of this first work was organized on November 7, 2013 in Bondoukuy. Representatives of village development councils (CVDs) and technical services (Agriculture and Environment) present analyzed and made new proposals during group work. All these elements will serve as a working support for the drafting committee to be set up by the commune of Bondoukuy. The composition of this committee was also proposed by the workshop participants in order to facilitate its establishment and operationalization. The draft charter to be drafted by this commission must be submitted to the discretion of a lawyer, the population, administrative and technical authorities at the provincial level before its adoption by the municipal council of Bondoukuy.
The third and final phase will take place after the adoption of the land charter. This