International Women’s Day, celebrated every March 8 was also observed by the women members of Savings and Credit Groups (GEC) of Yobo area in the prefecture of Zio under the sign of economic empowerment. These have organized on this occasion with the support of Inades-Formation Togo awareness activities in their communities, hosted a show on local radio and closed events with a ceremony bringing together more people from diverse backgrounds.

For seven years now, women members of the GEC accompanied by lnades-Formation Togo for improving socio-economic conditions of vulnerable households through its project to promote savings and credit groups celebrate the day March 08 .
This is an opportunity for them to come together and take stock of activities in order to give a new goal. This year it is around the national theme « Economic Empowerment of women is progress for all people » that they decided to get together to celebrate the woman for three days.
Women GEC animate awareness activities in villages on the theme.
All agreeing that the theme of this year’s celebration of Women in Togo between straight with their activities in the GEC, women have facilitated outreach activities in the villages of the area through debates talks.

They have over the activities made it clear to the people and especially women, need a woman to be independent these days. They also demonstrated through examples of how women being independent economically contribute to the development of their household, their environment and their community. Women also sought the support of men without which this progress for everyone would be an illusion. They did not forget to mention with joy their membership of the GEC, a tool promoted by INADES Togo which contributes greatly to the resolution of several problems within their households and communities. The women took the opportunity to invite their counterparts from other villages to integrate GEC to benefit their economic and social development.
Outside activities, women led a live broadcast on a local radio station in the same day March 08. This media release was for them one more way to make visible, promote the GEC and address a large number of people. They essentially through this passage on the radio say they belong to the GEC and wish that all women of the area adhere to the GEC.

All these activities were concluded by a grand ceremony Wednesday, March 12 marked by the presence of local and administrative authorities and several guests who enjoyed the testimonies of women on the benefits of savings groups in households the lives of GEC. It was also an opportunity to officially present the five (5) local volunteers introduced to the methodology AVE & C that promote the GEC in the area. The promotion of culture was also on the program of events through the folk and traditional dance of the medium.

A women’s football match to end protests in beauty

To give another color to the ambience and end all in beauty events marking the celebration of the day of 08 March, a women’s football match pitted the women members of the GEC in Yobo area.
More information: Inades-Formation Togo is working to improve socio-economic conditions of vulnerable households through its project to promote savings and credit groups. This project, which mainly affects women in a rural environment also focuses on strengthening women’s leadership. The celebration of International Women’s Day is an opportunity for the GEC to make visible their activities and conduct advocacy on issues of concern to women in their communities
Essi Amégan