Postal address :
Rue C 13 Brooker Washington, Cocody
08 BP 8 Abidjan 08 Côte d’Ivoire
Telephone No : (225) 22 40 02 16
Fax No : (225) 22 40 02 30
Email :
Rue C 13 Brooker Washington, Cocody
08 BP 8 Abidjan 08 Côte d’Ivoire
Telephone No : (225) 22 40 02 16
Fax No : (225) 22 40 02 30
Email :
The mission of Inades-Formation is based on seven values cherished by the institution. These are :
- Active solidarity with the most disadvantaged : Inades-Formation shows solidarity with the disadvantaged people, which justifies the current choice to offering its services to the rural world and gradually to poor people of urban/suburban centers and minorities ;
- Recognition of rural world capacities to understand, organize and act : this reflects the belief that the farmer is rich in knowledge and is able to understand many things. The challenge of Inades-Formation is to help farmers to support themselves ;
- Openness to others, respect for cultural and religious differences : it is a question to build partnerships in the respect of the Inades-Formation independence : non-confessional, freedom in relation to political authorities and about donors ;
- Associative and democratic culture : as early as its establishment, Inades-Formation has developed an associative and democratic culture, with the desire to involve farmers and their organizations in the community life of institution ;
- Solidarity among the Associations of the network : financial solidarity and reflection-sharing (the inspiration uniqueness) ;
- The culture of evaluation, allowing the questioning and stimulating creativity and adaptation to the realities of target populations for sustainable development ;
- Transparency and rigor in management.