The National Committee for the Promotion of Family Agriculture in Burkina Faso (CNAF Burkina Faso) established in 2015 is an organization born from the National Committee for the Celebration of the International Year of the Family Farming (IYFF 2014) in Burkina Faso. It is comprised of 50 members or sympathizer organizations including farmers’ organizations, development associations and NGOs. This body has been involved since 2017, in the implementation of the « project to improve family farming conditions in Burkina Faso ». The project is funded by the World Rural Forum and is scheduled to end in October 2018.
On a family farm in Burkina Faso
The status of the farmer and the family farm are recognized by the Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Fisheries and Wildlife Orientation Act (LOASPHF) passed in Burkina in 2015. This law is supposed to ensure respect for human rights and social equity in the agricultural sector. Unfortunately, it was not followed by an implementing legislation.
In addition, in 2015, the government began developing the second phase of the national rural sector program (PNSR II). This was an opportunity for farmers to have their concerns taken into account.
The project, currently implemented by CNAF Burkina Faso, therefore aims to contribute to the promotion of family agriculture through the implementation of the Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Fisheries and Wildlife Orientation Act in Burkina Faso and also through the implementation of the second phase of the National Rural Sector Program.
In concrete terms, the CNAF is called upon, within the framework of this project, to contribute to the adoption of an implementing decree relating to the legal status of farms and agricultural operators as defined by the LOASPHF. It should also defend the interests of family farmers during the drawing up and implementation of the second phase of the national rural sector program. The CNAF is also expected to capitalize on the participation of farmers’ organizations and civil society organizations in the development of agricultural policies.
To ensure that the expectations and concerns of family farmers are really taken into account in Phase II of the PNSR, CNAF Burkina initiated several activities during the formulation of this Program. These include:
- The transmission to the government of a memorandum from agricultural professional organizations in the form of a memorandum contributing to the preparation of the PNSR II;
- The holding of regional workshops for the preparation of Agricultural Professional Organizations (OPA) in the framework of the formulation of the regional PNSR;
- The holding of a workshop to present the conclusions of the regional workshop to strengthen the dynamics of the Agricultural Professional Organizations’ involvement in the formulation process of the National Agricultural Investment Programs for Food and Nutritional Security (PNIASAN);
- The holding of a national workshop to review the draft document of the PNSR II;
- Support of Agricultural Professional Organizations and CSOs to participate in regional consultations and the national validation workshop of the PNSRII.
The activities carried out in connection to the adoption of an implementing decree relating to the legal status of the holder and the farmer focused on the review of the LOASPHF implementing texts, which enabled 7 implementing decrees to be tidied.
In perspective, the CNAF plans to train Agricultural Professional Organizations leaders on public policy monitoring, namely on the PNSRII. To this end, the PNSRII document will be simplified, multiplied and disseminated to grassroots stakeholders for better knowledge of the content and facilitation of monitoring. The CNAF experiences in influencing agricultural policies will be capitalized and disseminated.
An exchange meeting between the CNAF Coordination Board–Burkina Faso and a delegation of the World Rural Forum
The CNAF is also getting ready to organize a workshop to develop key advocacy messages for policy makers. Meetings are planned with ministerial authorities in charge of the rural sector for the introduction of the decree implementing the LOASPHF in the Council of Ministers. Efforts will also be made at the National Assembly for the adoption of decrees implementing that law.
Consideration will be given to the status of the holder and the farmer operator. A national workshop will be organized for this purpose and a CNAF position paper will be produced. To enable a wider public to be better informed about the status of the holder and the farmer operator, television debates will also be organized.