The senior staff of the General Secretariat and of Inades-Formation Côte d’Ivoire have been trained in results-based project management. This was on Friday, March 23, 2023, on the sidelines of the 2022 annual work plan self-assessment workshop.
The General Secretariat’s annual self-assessment workshop, held from February 27 to March 3, 2023, concluded with a training of senior staff in Results-Based Management according to World Affairs Canada (WAC) principles.
The training was provided by Ms. Rindra Rasolofoniana, a volunteer in charge of monitoring and evaluation at SUCO’s Côte d’Ivoire office. SUCO- Solidarité Union Coopération is a Canadian international cooperation organization, partner of Inades-Formation in Côte d’Ivoire since 2022.
In addition to the staff of the General Secretariat, the project managers of Inades-Formation Côte d’Ivoire took part in this training session.
The training, which was conducted using a participatory method, focused on the following points: the basics of RBM, including its origin, definition, key concepts and benefits; the principles and specificity of Canadian RBM; and the various RBM tools. To help develop a better understanding of RBM, participants were given practical exercises.
All Canadian development projects are evaluated according to RBM, which originates from Peter Druker’s theory of management by objectives. It is an approach that avoids the trap of managing by activity or output and focuses on the results and effects of the project. It allows for strategic planning and involves integrated management. Canadian RBM requires a participatory approach and a strong gender focus.
In the opinion of the participants, the training was enriching as shown in the following testimonies:
“It will allow us to better define the results we wish to achieve for the change of mentalities” said Ms. Bléchie, in charge of the Aflatoun 2 project, at the end of the day.
“The training is a refresher course on the tools for designing, implementing and monitoring our projects. I learned new techniques for formulating indicators, identifying lessons learned and taking them into account in the drafting of concept notes,” said Mr. Asseman Parfait, food system project manager at Inades-Formation Côte d’Ivoire. He would have liked the training to have been longer, however.
Thanks to the partner SUCO CI for this support.