RECRUITMENT extended to April 19, 2024 at 23:59 GMT
Introducing INADES-Formation
African Institute for Economic and Social Development-African Training Center
(Inades-Formation), is an international association created in 1975 under Ivorian law.
recognized as a public utility by the Ivorian government. The General Secretariat (its international headquarters) is based in Abidjan (Ivory Coast). It operates in ten (10) African countries: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, DR Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Chad and Togo. From these countries, Inades-Formation operates in other neighboring countries, notably within the framework of advocacy platforms. Inades-Formation’s mission is “to work for the social and economic advancement of populations, giving particular importance to their free and responsible participation in the transformation of their societies”.
Through this mission, Inades-Formation is committed to helping the people of Africa, and in particular to
particularly the most disadvantaged, to organize themselves to take their destiny into their own hands. The target audience
Inades-Formation’s client base is made up of farmers and their organizations (self-help groups, farmers’ cooperatives, women’s and youth organizations, networks of farmers’ organizations, local communities, development mutuals, etc.), local authorities, NGO staff, staff from parastatal development institutions, civil society organizations.
From a general point of view, the General Secretariat’s mission is to promote within the entire Inades-Training Network : (i) the unity of inspiration and quality of the educational activities, while respecting the particularities linked to the context of intervention in each country and (ii) solidarity and balance in finance and management, with the resources of the institution being made available to serve its purposes wherever deemed necessary.
In order to strengthen its operational team at the General Secretariat, based in Abidjan, Inades-Formation is recruiting ONE ADVOCACY AND PROSPECTIVE OFFICER (CPP).
Terms of the employment contract:
Job title | Advocacy and Foresight Officer (CPP) |
Location-Country of assignment | Abidjan-Côte d’Ivoire, with the possibility of travelling abroad, particularly in the countries where we are based. |
Line manager | General Secretary |
Nature and duration of contract | Fixed-term contract (CDD) of one (1) year with possibility of renewal, after evaluation |
Probable starting date | May 15, 2024 |
Status | Executive |
Salary | According to current salary scale |
Employee benefits | Insurance and other benefits in accordance with the articles of association |
Job description
Reporting to the Secretary General of Inades-Formation, the Advocacy and Foresight Officer will have the following main responsibilities and tasks:
1. Contribute to the definition and implementation of an Influence Policy and Advocacy Strategy at Inades-Formation
v Develop influence policy and advocacy/campaign strategies
aimed at achieving political change;
v Develop and implement advocacy plans, campaigns and targeted initiatives at national and regional levels;
v Develop and implement advocacy strategies and programs to defend the interests and rights of rural communities;
v Coordinate the production of strategic guidelines on advocacy issues
v Contribute to the development and implementation of Inades- financing policy.
v Manage advocacy projects and coordinate their implementation;
v Coordinate the team under his/her responsibility.
2. Coordinate and carry out prospective studies and monitor advocacy actions at the level of the General Secretariat on all targeted themes.
v Provide an analysis of the network’s strategic positioning on certain
advocacy ;
v Stimulate and support creativity and innovation in approaches, methods and products.
and services of Inades-Formation in the field of policy analysis and advocacy ;
v Manage network-wide studies and forecasts relating to advocacy issues, and
monitor these areas;
v Keep a watch on advocacy issues;
v Participate in team discussions to improve the Secretariat’s tools and practices.
General related to advocacy ;
v Oversee the preparation and execution of research studies in the field of
campaigns at the General Secretariat level ;
v Identify and analyze opportunities and obstacles to influence policymakers
and stakeholders for lobbying purposes.
3. Support Inades-Formation’s national offices in planning, conducting, monitoring and evaluating and capitalizing on advocacy campaigns
v Providing technical support to national associations in conducting
advocacy at national level, based on clearly expressed needs ;
v Ensure quality control of the work of network entities in the field of
policy and advocacy ;
v Establish knowledge management mechanisms within the network and ensure the capitalization of experiences and other “best practices” in the field of advocacy;
v Oversee the preparation and execution of research studies in the field of
campaigns at BN level;
v Promote a culture of citizen watch within the network
4. Contribute to the animation of the website and to the visibility of INADES-Formation.
v Manage or contribute to the development of editorial publications;
v Helping to publicize Inades-Formation’s activities to partners outside the company.
network ;
v Take an active part in regional and international exchanges/conferences and forums
with other platforms working on the same advocacy issues as Inades-.
5. Carry out any other task entrusted to it by the Secretary General in the fulfilment of Inades-Formation’s mission. of Inades-Formation.
Job profile (skills, knowledge and qualities expected)
According to the Inades-Formation job description, the candidate must have the following profile
o Hold an engineering degree or equivalent (at least 5 years of higher education) – Political Science or a university degree in law, international relations/international development, communications.
or human sciences, agronomy, agro-economics, or any other similar discipline;
o Be between 30 and 45 years of age and have a minimum of seven (7) years experience working for a development NGO in an advocacy and/or foresight position;
o Demonstrate strong experience in designing and running workshops or seminars, analyzing
foresight, programming, monitoring and evaluation of change processes ;
o Evaluate systems, policies/programs ;
o Have good managerial and team management skills;
o Strong knowledge production skills (able to prepare high quality reports for a wide range of audiences);
o Ability to analyze, write, synthesize and make decisions;
o Demonstrate autonomy in the organization of your work and take initiatives in the
within its area of responsibility;
o Planning and organizational skills and experience;
o Know the tools and techniques of project management;
o Team player, diplomat, good listener and discreet;
o Ability to adapt, innovate and react quickly;
o Experience working with Inades-Formation or a similar organization is an asset.
comparative advantage ;
o Good command of French and English
Other skills
o Ability to work with multiple and complex tasks;
o Discretion, creativity, flexibility, tenacity and work ethic ;
o Ability to work in a team, in a multicultural environment and in a French and English speaking environment;
o Good listening skills and ability to work under pressure;
o Excellent oral and written communication skills;
o Be courteous and honest, discreet and of good character;
o Commitment to the underprivileged, particularly in rural areas;
o Driver’s license ;
o Ability to travel.
Application forms
Applications must include:
– a cover letter;
– birth certificate or equivalent document;
– a detailed curriculum vitae (max. 4 pages) with photo and contacts for three (3) people
the candidate’s professional references;
– a photocopy of the diplomas obtained;
– a photocopy of an identity document ;
– work certificates.
Applications, bearing the words ” candidature au poste de Chargé/e de Plaidaidoyer et Prospectives d’Inades-Formation “, must be sent to Inades-Formation, at the following address:, no later than April 19, 2024 at 23 hours 59 minutes GMT.
For any questions, please call (225) 27 22 40 02 16 / 27 22 40 02 20.
NB: Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Incomplete, non-compliant or late applications will not be considered. Inades-Formation reserves the right to give a favourable response only to selected candidates.