KCOA-PCAC: The actors of the project in the Great North
After the West last July, followed by the Littoral, the member organizations of the project “Pole of Knowledge of Organic Agriculture in Central Africa” have set course for the Adamaoua region.
The actors of the KCOA-PCAC project met on September1st at the MUNTOUL conference room in N’Gaoundéré. The main objectives of this workshop were to present the KCOA-PCAC project and discuss its implementation in the water tower region of Cameroon. According to the information received by our editorial office, this work was led by the sectoral leaders of regional departments, training centers, support structures and supervision of producers, producer organizations, processors and distributors, in the presence of research institutes and extension. The said work was led by the National Director of CIPCRE, Mr. Mathieu FOKA.
The KCOA-PCAC project is implemented by GIZ with the financial support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and partner organizations (Inades-Formation Cameroun, CIPCRE, CPF, GADD and SAILD).
Marguerite MOMHA, Communication Inades-Formation Cameroon