From June 12 to 15, Inades-Formation Burkina organized a series of training courses on techniques for reclaiming degraded land for producers from six (06) villages in the Central Plateau and Northern regions of Burkina Faso. Objective: to build farmers’ resilience to climate change. This training should enable beneficiaries to improve their yields in agricultural production, and hence their living conditions.
More than a hundred farmers have benefited from the series of training courses in techniques for restoring degraded land organized by Inades-Formation Burkina. The localities visited by the team of trainers are: the villages of Mako and Kiè in the Passoré province, North region, and the villages of Zipelin and Kinana in the Kourwéogo province, Central Plateau region. Over the course of four days, the growers were able to learn a number of techniques: how to set up stone cordons, create half-moons, zaï, herbaceous tapie and practice Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR). In addition to these training courses, producers in the villages of Basbédo in the Passoré province and Douré in the Kourwéogo region benefited from equipment support consisting of rakes, shovels, picks and drums. All this support from Inades-Formation Burkina comes at the dawn of the wet agricultural season in Burkina Faso, when farmers are concerned about the effects of climate change on their agricultural production.
David ZOUNDI, Program Manager at Inades-Formation Burkina, urged farmers to put the skills they had learned into practice in order to increase yields on their farms. The growers are committed to experimenting with the techniques they have learned in their fields. A follow-up will be carried out at a later date to assess whether the commitments made by the farmers who took part in the training have been fulfilled.
Inades-Formation Burkina’s capacity-building action for farmers on techniques for reclaiming degraded land is part of the implementation of the Project to support the strengthening of sustainable food systems, transparent governance and organized, committed youth in the Northern, Central Plateau and Central regions of Burkina Faso. This project is financed by the Belgian NGO Broederlijk Delen for a period of 5 years, from 2022 to 2026.
Emmanuel SAWADOGO, Patrice DA