The Abidjan platform of women restaurateurs held its General Assembly (GA) on Tuesday June 20, 2023 at CERAP in Cocody. The AGM, attended by some thirty people, handed over the reins of the platform to a new president, Ms Ehui Romaine.
“I urge us to work and work hand in hand”. This is the invitation issued by the new president of the Plateforme des femmes restauratrices d’Abidjan. Ms Ehui Romaine was elected for a three-year term at the head of the platform’s board at its General Meeting on Tuesday June 20, 2023.
Around thirty local restaurateurs took part in the General Meeting, held in Cocody from 9am to 3pm.
At the start of the General Meeting, Inades-Formation, which supports this platform, screened the documentary film “Femmes productrices, transformatrices, restauratrices de vivres de souveraineté” (Women producers, processors and restorers of sovereignty foodstuffs) made with the women restorers. This film presents the experience of Inades-Formation’s support for local women restaurateurs and the setting up of platforms in Abidjan, Bouaké and Korhogo.
The AGM proper began with the presentation of the platform’s 2020-2022 activity report.
After reading the report, the members proceeded to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the platform’s operation. Communication between members was singled out as the weak point to be strengthened. Members were therefore urged to actively participate in activities and exchanges in the WhatsApp group created in 2022.
Participants also worked on planning the platform’s activities for 2023. The broad outlines of activities have been decided, and the action plan will be fine-tuned by the new board. A five-member board headed by Ms Ehui will be assisted by Ms Gnoko Laure, elected vice-president, and Ms Balakissa Nabaloum, secretary. Mr Brou Dali Désiré was appointed Statutory Auditor.
Two people were then appointed to the board as advisors, as recommended in the texts. They are Ms Yapo Denise and Ms Touré Fanta.
The Abidjan Women Restaurateurs Platform brings together local restaurateurs in Abidjan who work with sovereignty foodstuffs. This platform is dominated by women, who make up the majority in this activity, but is also open to men working in the field.
Mrs Achi Marcelle MOROH.
Communication Secrétariat Général.
The AGM in pictures